- EACRA response to ESMA consultation on the submission of periodic information to ESMA
- EACRA Response to ESMA consultation on supervisory expectations for the management body
- Educational Series #1: What are credit ratingsWe are launching today our „Educational Series” to inform the wider public about key issues linked to credit… Read more: Educational Series #1: What are credit ratings
- EACRA Response to ESMA consultation on proposed revisions to a Delegated Regulation and Annex I of CRAR
- EACRA Response to EBAs Consultation Paper on Draft ITS on public disclosures by institutions
- EACRA Response to ESAs consultation on ITS specifying certain tasks of collection bodies and certain functionalities of the ESAP
- EACRA Response to ESAs consultation on DORA RTS on subcontrating ICT services
- EACRA Response to EC consultation on Draft Delegated Regulation on harmonizing and simplifying ESMA supervisory fees
- EACRA position on FIDA
- EACRA Position Paper on ESG Rating Activities
- EACRA to ESAs consultation on first set of DORA RTSs
- EACRA elects a new BoardThe European Association of Credit Rating Agencies (EACRA) is pleased to announce the election of its new Board.… Read more: EACRA elects a new Board
- EACRA Response to UK PRA on Basel 3.1 implementation
- EACRA response to UK HM Treasury consultation on implementation of the Basel reform in the UKWith reference to the above consultation, we are pleased to hereby submit the views of our association. Our… Read more: EACRA response to UK HM Treasury consultation on implementation of the Basel reform in the UK
- EACRA response to EC Targeted Consultation on ESG Ratings and ESG Factors in Credit RatingsWe very much welcome the very detailed consultation on the ESG rating market and on ESG factors in… Read more: EACRA response to EC Targeted Consultation on ESG Ratings and ESG Factors in Credit Ratings
- EACRA response to ESMA consultation on Revision to Guidelines and Recommendations on the Scope of the CRA RegulationDear ESMA, With reference to the above consultation paper dated January 28th, 2022, we are pleased to hereby… Read more: EACRA response to ESMA consultation on Revision to Guidelines and Recommendations on the Scope of the CRA Regulation
- EACRA Position on European Single Access Point (ESAP) for financial and non-financial informationOn November 25th, 2021, the European Commission tabled the Capital Markets Union Package[1], which includes amongst others a… Read more: EACRA Position on European Single Access Point (ESAP) for financial and non-financial information
- EACRA response to S&P Request for Comment on Insurer Risk-based Capital Adequacy – Methodology and Assumptions – Rating input: CRA MappingDear S&P Global Ratings, With reference to your above Request for Comment dated December 6th, 2021[1], we are… Read more: EACRA response to S&P Request for Comment on Insurer Risk-based Capital Adequacy – Methodology and Assumptions – Rating input: CRA Mapping
- EACRA Response to EC’s SME Listing Act consultationDear European Commission, EACRA welcomes the above consultation paper as well as the very detailed set of questions… Read more: EACRA Response to EC’s SME Listing Act consultation
- Public statement on EC banking packageEACRA welcomes the European Commissions proposed Banking package implementing the Basel III reform in Europe. In our view,… Read more: Public statement on EC banking package
- EACRA response to ESMA Consultation on Guidelines on Disclosure Requirements for Initial Reviews and Preliminary RatingsIn this response letter, we are providing responses to all questions raised to CRAs. We hope that our… Read more: EACRA response to ESMA Consultation on Guidelines on Disclosure Requirements for Initial Reviews and Preliminary Ratings
- EACRA response to ESMA consultation on CRA supervisory feesESMA proposes a number of changes to the current Delegated Regulation on CRA Supervisory fees, the key elements… Read more: EACRA response to ESMA consultation on CRA supervisory fees
- EACRA comments on ESRB Chair letter on procyclical impact of downgrades
- EACRA elects a new BoardThe European Association of Credit Rating Agencies (EACRA) is pleased to announce the election of its new Board.… Read more: EACRA elects a new Board
- EACRA response to ECB Monetary Strategy Review
- EACRA response to ESMA consultation on guidelines for internal controls for CRAs
- EACRA response to European Commission’s consultation on the implementatiion of the final Basel III reforms in the EU
- EACRA response to ESMA consultation on Disclosure requirements applicable to credit ratings
- EACRA response to UK FCA consultation on regulatory fees proposals for 2019/2020
- EACRA response to ESMA on revised guidelines on periodic reporting by CRAs
- EACRA participates in EC Roundtable on ESG Factors in credit ratingsOn July 4th, 2018, the European Commissions DG Fisma organized a roundtable on Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG)… Read more: EACRA participates in EC Roundtable on ESG Factors in credit ratings
- EACRA response to EC Consultation on SME Listings
- EACRA participates in UN IATF Expert Meeting on “Financial and Corporate Incentives for Long-term Investments”On December 15th, 2017, the United Nations Inter-Agency Task Force on Financing for Development (IATF) held an expert… Read more: EACRA participates in UN IATF Expert Meeting on “Financial and Corporate Incentives for Long-term Investments”
- EACRA response to ESMA on update of the guidelines of the endorsement regime
- EACRA holds conference in ViennaOn June 9th, 2017, EACRA organized a conference in Vienna to discuss current topics relative to rating agencies.… Read more: EACRA holds conference in Vienna
- EACRA response to IOSCO’s consultation on “Other CRA Products”
- EACRA welcomes adoption of mapping of ECAI ratings in the European Union
- EACRA response to ESMA’s Consultation on “guidelines on the validation and review of rating methodologies”
- EACRA response to BIS second consultation on the revisison of the Standardized Approach to credit risk
- EACRA comments on ECAF minimum criteria for ECAI recognition
- EACRA response to ESMA Discussion Paper on the validation of rating methodologies
- EACRA comments on the role of financial statements in the rating process
- EACRA response to EBA’s consulation on the mapping of SF ratings
- EACRA response to EC Green Paper on Building a Capital Markets Union
- ACRAA and EACRA Members issue “Madrid Declaration”On April 16th, 2015, EACRA Members met with representatives of the Association of Credit Rating Agencies in Asia… Read more: ACRAA and EACRA Members issue “Madrid Declaration”
- EACRA response to ESA’s consultation on draft ITS on credit quality steps for ECAIs credit assessments under Solvency II
- EACRA response to ESMA’s call for evidence “Competition, Choice and Conflicts of Interests in the CRA Industry”
- EACRA response to BIS on “Revisions to the Standardized Approach for credit risk”
- EACRA response to IOSCO on “other CRA products”
- EACRA response to ESA’s on Discussion Paper “the use of credit ratings by financial intermediaries”
- EACRA participated in UN ECOSOC Panel discussion on Developing Fair, Transparent Credit Rating System that Supports Sustainable Development
- EACRA open letter to ESMA, NCAs and EC on Article 8d of the CRA3 Regulation
- EACRA response to ESA’s consultation on draft ITS on the mapping of ECAIs credit assessments
- EACRA response to ESMA’s consultation on periodic reporting by CRAs
- EACRA response to IOSCO’s consultation on Good Practices on Reducing Reliance on CRAs in Asset management
- EACRA response to ESA’s consultation on draft RTS on risk mitigation techniques for OTC-derivative contracts not cleared by a CCP
- EACRA response to ESMA on “CRA 3 implementation”
- EACRA response to IOSCO’s consultation on revision of CRA code
- Changes in 2014In this short presentation, we present the changes to the ECAI status in Europe from January 1st, 2014.… Read more: Changes in 2014
- EACRA response to ESA’s Joint Consultation on mechanistic references to credit ratings in the ESA’s guidelines and recommendations
- EACRA comments on Money Market Funds proposal
- EACRA response to ESMA CRA 3 discussion paper
- EACRA press release: EACRA members met in Istanbul to discuss industry topics
- EACRA response to EC’s Green Paper on Long Term Financing of the European Economy
- EACRA response to FSB on Thematic Peer Review on FSB Principles for Reducing Reliance on Credit Rating Agency (CRA) Ratings
- EACRA letter to OECD regarding high-level principles of long-term investment financing by institutional investors
- EACRA comment to US SEC on Credit Rating Roundtable
- EACRA response to ESMA consultation 2012/841 on the scope of the CRA regulation
- EACRA response to UK Houses of Commons on inquiry into Credit Rating Agencies
- EACRA press release on CRA III proposal
- EACRA calls for a more proportionate approach in regulating credit rating agenciesPRESS RELEASE Today the European Commission has unveiled its long-awaited proposal on Credit Rating Agencies (CRAs). This proposal… Read more: EACRA calls for a more proportionate approach in regulating credit rating agencies
- Response to ESMA on draft RTS regarding periodic reporting by CRAs
- Response to ESMA on draft RTS regarding registration requirements for CRAs
- EACRA Response to CESR Consultation on enforcement practices
- EACRA response to Swiss FINMA on CRA requirements
- EACRAs Response to UK Houses of Lords on Sovereign Credit Rating inquiry
- Response to ESMA’s Consultancy on CRA Supervisory Fee’s
- IMF’s GFSR addresses Sovereign RatingsThe International Monetary Fund's bi-annual Global Financial Stability Report addresses Sovereigns, Funding and Systemic Liquidity. In Section III,… Read more: IMF’s GFSR addresses Sovereign Ratings
- EACRA response to IOSCO Consultancy on Principles Regarding the Activities of Credit RatingIOSCO launched a public consutlancy on "Regulatory Implementation of the Statement of Principles Regarding the Activities of Credit… Read more: EACRA response to IOSCO Consultancy on Principles Regarding the Activities of Credit Rating
- EACRA Response to ISO Draft Standard 10674 on Rating ServicesEACRA publishes its comments and concerns with reference to ISO Draft International Standard ISO/DIS 10674 on Rating Services – Assessment… Read more: EACRA Response to ISO Draft Standard 10674 on Rating Services
- EACRAs response to CESR on Pan-European Access to Financial InformationIn July, CESR launched a public consultation with respect a Pan-European Access to Financial Information disclosed by… Read more: EACRAs response to CESR on Pan-European Access to Financial Information
- IOSCO publishes report on global CRA legislationOn February 24th, IOSCO published the report on the „Regulatory Implementation of the Statement of Principles Regarding… Read more: IOSCO publishes report on global CRA legislation
- EACRA repsonse to US Federal Reserve on Alternatives to RatingsAs a follow-up on the new US Financial legislation, the US Department of the Treasury, the Federal… Read more: EACRA repsonse to US Federal Reserve on Alternatives to Ratings
- EACRA Response to BCBS Consultative Document on Strengthening the Resilience of the Banking SectorEACRA publishes its comments and concerns regarding the consultation process based on Basel Committee on Banking Supervision's document… Read more: EACRA Response to BCBS Consultative Document on Strengthening the Resilience of the Banking Sector
- EACRA Response to CEBS Consultation Paper no. 37 on Revised Guidelines on the ECAI recognitionEACRA publishes its views and comments with reference to CEBS Consultation Paper No. 37 on CEBS draft revised guidelines on… Read more: EACRA Response to CEBS Consultation Paper no. 37 on Revised Guidelines on the ECAI recognition
- EACRAs response to the EC Consultancy on CRA
- FSB issues principles on Reducing Reliance on RatingsThe Financial Statibility Board issued on October 27th, its proposed Principles on Reducing Reliance on Ratings. These include… Read more: FSB issues principles on Reducing Reliance on Ratings
- EACRA repsonse to US Federal Reserve on Alternatives to Ratings
- EACRA attends German Conference on European Rating AgencyThe “Friedrich Naumann Stiftung für die Freiheit” organized a workshop near Cologne on “Europäische Ratingagentur: was hat der… Read more: EACRA attends German Conference on European Rating Agency
- EACRA attends OECD Financial RoundtableThe OECD Financial Roundtable (which gathers representatives of Central Banks and Ministries of Finance), held on October 7th… Read more: EACRA attends OECD Financial Roundtable
- EACRA addresses ECOFINOn Friday October 1st, 2010, the informal Council on Economic and Financial Affairs (ECOFIN) discussed Credit Rating Agencies.… Read more: EACRA addresses ECOFIN
- EACRAs repsonse to CESR consultancy on Pan-European Access to Financial Information
- EACRAs response to CESR Consultation on Rating Methodologies
- EACRA Response to ISO Draft Standard 10674 on Rating Services
- EACRA Response to BCBS Consultative Document on Strengthening the Resilience of the Banking Sector
- EACRA Response to CEBS Consultation Paper no. 37 on Revised Guidelines on the ECAI recognition
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