Members News Position papers

EACRA response to IOSCO Consultancy on Principles Regarding the Activities of Credit Rating

IOSCO launched a public consutlancy on "Regulatory Implementation of the Statement of Principles Regarding the Activities of Credit Rating Agencies". The pricniples included the quality and integrity in the rating process, independence and avoidance of conflict of interest, transparency and timeliness of rating disclosure, confidential information. The document provides a high-level review on how these […]

Members News Position papers

EACRA Response to ISO Draft Standard 10674 on Rating Services

EACRA publishes its comments and concerns with reference to ISO Draft International Standard ISO/DIS 10674 on Rating Services – Assessment of creditworthiness of non-listed entities.

Members News Position papers

EACRAs response to CESR on Pan-European Access to Financial Information

  In July, CESR launched a public consultation with respect a Pan-European Access to Financial Information disclosed by Stock Listed Companies. Currently, stock listed companies report information only at national level and no European access to the information is avalailable. Please find below the answer from our Association

Individual View

IOSCO publishes report on global CRA legislation

  On February 24th, IOSCO published the report on the „Regulatory Implementation of the Statement of Principles Regarding the Activities of Credit Rating Agencies“, which reviewed CRA supervisory initiatives in Australia, the European Union (EU), Japan, Mexico, and the United States. The review found that while the structure and specific provisions of the different programs […]

Members News Position papers

EACRA repsonse to US Federal Reserve on Alternatives to Ratings

  As a follow-up on the new US Financial legislation, the US Department of the Treasury, the Federal Reserve System and the US Federal Deposit Insurance Corporate have issued an Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking Regarding Alternatives to the Use of Credit Ratings Agencies in the Risk-Based Capital Guidelines of the Federal Banking Agencies. Please find […]

Members News Position papers

EACRA Response to BCBS Consultative Document on Strengthening the Resilience of the Banking Sector

EACRA publishes its comments and concerns regarding the consultation process based on Basel Committee on Banking Supervision's document 'Strengthening the resilience of the banking sector', focused on section 'Addressing reliance on external credit ratings and minimising cliff effects'

Members News Position papers

EACRA Response to CEBS Consultation Paper no. 37 on Revised Guidelines on the ECAI recognition

EACRA publishes its views and comments with reference to CEBS Consultation Paper No. 37 on CEBS draft revised guidelines on the recognition of ECAIs.